13/08/2022 @ 08:00 - 19/08/2022 @ 19:00
Football tournament
After the success of the last inter-municipal fronton league, RumboRuralthe ecosystem generating platform in the Alto Tajo, announces the organisation of an inter-village football tournament of the Mancomunidad Alto Tajo. The tournament will take place on 13, 14 and 19 August in the municipalities of The Recuenco, Villanueva de Alcorón y Zaorejas.
The Mancomunidad Alto Tajo is made up of the towns of Arbeteta, Armallones, El Recuenco, Huertapelayo, Peralveche, Peñalén, Poveda de la Sierra, Villanueva de Alcorón, Villar de Cobeta and Zaorejas.. However, the organisers of the tournament encourage the neighbouring villages of the Mancomunidad Alto Tajo to register for the tournament.
The competition will be divided into two categories: children and adults. The children's category is open to boys and girls between 12 and 17 years old and the adult category is open to those over 17 years old. Teams must be made up of between 5 and 10 people and register via the email or WhatsApp indicated on the tournament poster.
Román Peco, organiser of the tournament, encourages young people from the villages to sign up to make the tournament a success in terms of participation. "Football, and sports in general, are an opportunity to meet other kids and make friends with other villages", says Peco, who insists that the tournament is "open to other neighbouring villages such as Alcantud, Cañamares, Pregio or Salmerón, with whom we have a good relationship".