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Berrea + Tracks and Traces

21 September @ 19:30 - 21:30

10€ – 20€

Can you imagine deciphering the messages hidden in the ground? Will you be able to distinguishing the tracks of a deer from those of a wild boarAnd those of a roe deer or a mountain goat?

In this adventurenot only we will witness the bellowing of the stagsbut also we will become explorers of the forest, discovering the secrets that it keeps among its vegetation..

And the most exciting thing: we will have the opportunity to listen to the bellowing of male deer in search of mates.a deep, guttural sound that echoes throughout the forest. If we are lucky, we may even be able to observe them in all their splendour.camouflaged in the undergrowth or imposing in the middle of a clearing. Don't forget your camera!

Activity details

calendar days svgrepo com Saturday 21 September 2024

clock nine svgrepo com From 19:30 until 21:30

euro svgrepo com 1 20 € per person. Children under 12 years 10 €.

family together svgrepo com Activity for the whole family



21 September
19:30 - 21:30
10€ – 20€
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en_GBEnglish (UK)