
Fuente la Rana recreational area

An area of special interest thanks to its peat bogs.


Fuente la Rana recreational area


40.514881543804, -1.7265654676077


Fuente la Rana recreational area


40.514881543804, -1.7265654676077

Fuente la Rana recreational area

The Fuente la Rana recreational area is a place where you can appreciate one more of the characteristic landscapes of the area.

<< How to get there?

We can access this area starting from the village of OreaOnce here, we must take the road that starts next to the interpretation centre in the direction of the campingJust before reaching it, there is a sign on the right hand side indicating the existence of this area. We can park in an esplanade next to the road, but in winter it is usually muddy, so be careful.

<< Equipment

The recreational area Fuente la Rana has a source from which it takes its name, tables and perimeter fencing. In addition, we are in an area of special interest due to the existence of peatlandsThese areas are also delimited, to avoid stepping on them, and if we go with children, we should prevent them from crossing the fence.

<< What to see?

Once we reach the Fuente la Rana recreational area, we will find a series of panels that provide us with more information about the aforementioned peat bogs. These are waterlogged areas where partially decomposed plant remains accumulate.

The organic matter is transformed into a type of carbon known as peat. We can distinguish different types of peat bogs depending on the hardness of the water that emerges, these are enclaves of great botanical interest as the species of flora that grow here have very particular conditions.

Nearby there are also the remains of an ancient volcano, which, together with the peat bogs, form part of the georute 9 Sierra de OreaMore than enough entertainment for a good day out.

Learning more about the type of soil and vegetation that surrounds us is one more task to complete a quiet afternoon or a day of eating in the countryside.

We remind you that there are no containers where to deposit our rubbish, Orea is very close, we can dispose of them in the locality. Do not leave in the countryside what does not belong to you.

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