
Beteta Sickle

One of the natural entrances to the Upper Tagus


Beteta Sickle


40.547756, -2.130948


Beteta Sickle


40.547756, -2.130948

Beteta Sickle

The Hoz de Beteta is one of those marvellous places, it constitutes a river canyon carved by the river Guadiela on limestone materials.

It runs along the entire length of the regional road. CM-210 and in which we can find, apart from its own beauty, different recreational areas (Fountain of Los Tilos, Casa de la Pradera, Fountain of La Carrera), guided tours (Cave of the Harlot, Casa de la Toba, Paseo Botánico) and also, a little more than 2 km from entering the Hoz, an area where the river cuts perpendicularly across a fault that brings two lithologies of different ages into contact: upstream, Jurassic table limestones, but downstream, the entire Cretaceous sedentary series begins to appear.

There are some curious areas of thin, Jurassic limestone tableted materials, such as the one known by the inhabitants of the area as the "The BookshopIts stones remind us of the books on the shelves of a library. Its special climatic conditions and the typical characteristics of a river canyon favour the existence of a wide variety of vegetation (some of which are over a hundred years old, such as the lime trees).

It should also be noted that the Hoz was declared a Natural Monument together with the Matasnos sinkhole (of which there is an upwelling in the same gorge at km 44.900) in 2004.

There are two marked trails and the possibility of guided tours for schools and non-profit associations

THE BOTANICAL WALKThis is a signposted path to be started from the Casa de la Pradera, although it can also be done from the Fuente de los Tilos. It is a hiking route of 2.6 km, with no gradient and very low difficulty, suitable for everyone and at any time of the year, although as it is a botanical trail it is more suitable for spring.

THE ARMENTERO'S CAVE1.6 km of linear route, it starts near the Fuente de los Tilos fountain. Along its route you can visit the Los Tilos dam, the La Ramera cave and the Armentero cave, the last section of the path has a steep slope.


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