
Alleyways of Peñas Rubias

Small enchanted town very close to La Salobreja




40.532028604705, -1.7414986991015




40.532028604705, -1.7414986991015

Alleyways of Peñas Rubias

The alleys of Peñas Rubias are also known as the "alleyways of Peñas Rubias". "enchanted city of Orea" and are a curious relief resulting from the erosion and modelling of the rock by atmospheric agents in recent times. The sandstones and conglomerates that make up this type of tuff do not form a uniform whole, but present fractures, lines of weakness or discontinuities (diaclases) through which erosion acts more effectively. Later, the roots of trees and water will affect the cracks, progressively enlarging them to the point where large blocks become independent.

The result is a ruin-like reliefpopularly known as enchanted rock city'. This is also the popular name for enchanted cities of origin. karst, but in the latter, dissolution plays an important role in their formation, which is not the case in sandstones.

The materials that make up this small enchanted city correspond to a geological formation known as the Buntsandstein and were generated by the accumulation of fluvial sediments, transported by huge rivers, more than 245 million years ago.

The geo-route 09 The route takes us through this place and explains its origin and formation, and we can also find this beautiful spot in the vicinity of the start of the route of the Salobreja Lagoonwhere we can park comfortably and take a stroll among reddish towers and turrets.

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