
Cave of the Harlot


Cave of the Harlot


40.546776551982, -2.1331615018839


Cave of the Harlot


40.546776551982, -2.1331615018839

Cave of the Harlot

The Cueva de la Ramera (Cave of the Harlot) is a subterranean conduit that is located on the escarpment of the Beteta Sickleis a clear example of karst cave with breathtaking views of one of the most spectacular and beautiful river canyons of the Serranía de Cuenca: the Hoz de Beteta and Sumidero de Matasnos Natural Monument. Access is restricted and you can only enter accompanied by a guide, due to the delicate geological formations inside, as it is an important refuge for chiroptera (especially horseshoe bats).

The walking route is approximately one kilometre long, although the cave has many more galleries that cannot be accessed for safety reasons. It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and some warm clothes, as the humidity inside the cave is high. The visit lasts about 40 minutes, during which time we will discover its whimsical formations and its most beautiful corners.

Difficulty: Low up to the access stairs (20 m high) as well as inside the cave.



Weekdays from 10:00 to 13:30 h.

Saturdays and Sundays 10:00-19:00 h.


Every day from 11:00 to 20:00 h.

Rest of the year:

Saturdays from 11:00 to 19:00 h.

Sundays and public holidays from 11:00 to 14:00 h.


Closed from November to March.

For visits by appointment on any day, please call 969 313 122 or 699 962 820 or from your website.


Children under 7 years: free of charge
Adults: 5,00 €.

<< How to get there?

It is 7 km from Betetain the heart of the Serranía de Cuenca. From the car park of the Fountain of Los Tilos (km 46 CM-210), this is the starting point of the thematic walk of the Armentero Cave which leads to the metal access stairway (approx. 1.5 km).

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