
Cave of the Majadillas

One of the largest in the province.


Cave of the Majadillas


40.8111705, -2.4070268


Cave of the Majadillas


40.8111705, -2.4070268

Las Majadillas

The Cueva de las Majadillas is located in Corkscrew. It has 2070 metres It is one of the largest caves in the province of Guadalajara. Except for the entrance, where it is necessary to use a rope or ladder to go down, the rest of the cave is completely horizontal, and it can be said that it is practically for everyone and a very good option for beginners in the world of speleology.

This cave has been for decades the speleological cradle of many speleologists from Castile and Madrid. Today it is still very popular and used as a school for underground progression. Easy to locate and visit, the only obstacle is a small eight-metre shaft that must be installed with a rope or ladder. It is more than two kilometres long, making it one of the largest caves in Guadalajara.

The entrance to the cave consists of a large shaft about 8 metres deep. Once we have descended, we find ourselves in a room with two exits: to the west and after a short crawl, we reach the Tank Room. If, on the other hand, we go south, we advance along a very comfortable gallery where we will soon see a crossroads. Dry Galleries while to the north-west we follow another road towards the Tank Room.
The Dry Galleries are of less interest, they contain a small stream of water that, due to the narrowness of the galleries, we will have to get wet to get through at some point. The Tank Room, However, it is very large and very clayey with spectacular formations. To the southeast of the Sala del Tanque there is a passageway through which we can advance. After this passage, the gallery begins to widen until it reaches the Beach RoomIn the gallery, we find a stream of water that increases and the gallery narrows, until we reach the El Sifon Pass.

Currently, due to the deterioration of the Cueva de las Majadillas, the Consejería de Agricultura de Castilla-La Mancha has granted permission to the director Conservador del Alto Tajo Natural Parkwith the approval of the Servicio de Montes y Espacios Naturales, to close the access gate to the Majadillas chasm. the visit is controlled by the City Council from .-where it is necessary to request authorisation and the key to the entrance gate 15 days in advance.

<< How to get there?

To access the cave of Las Majadillas, we have to know that it is located between the towns of Corkscrew y Ocentejo on the GU-929. If we come from Sacecorbo, we will have to reach the crossroads with the GU-930, to the right of this, next to our lane, there is a small path that soon turns to go into the fields. This is the path that will soon lead us to the cave.

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