
Wet meadows micro-reserve

Curious micro-reserve near Torremocha


Torremocha-Corduente road


40.865640148443, -2.0237040123546


Torremocha-Corduente road


40.865640148443, -2.0237040123546

Wet meadows micro-reserve

The Micro-Reserve of the Wet Meadows at Torremocha del PinarThe natural enclave is not one of these natural enclaves that stand out especially for their tourist interest or the spectacular views, so if you are thinking of visiting it to walk its spectacular routes, you are in the wrong article.

Its value is ecological as this micro-reserve is home to a series of plant communities (sub-Atlantic meso-eutrophic meadows, cervunales, hygrophilous and turphophilous communities of Moninia caerulea, acidophilous hydromorphic reed meadows, etc.) and one of the few known populations in Castile-La Mancha of the fern Ophioglossum azoricum, more typical of places like Greenland or Iceland.

Because of the great ecological value and fragility of the area, we strongly recommend that if you visit the area you should be especially careful so that when you leave you don't notice that you were there.

For the record, it was the first micro-reserve to be created in Castilla la Mancha (in 1999) given its importance and led to the protection of the 11 hectares that compose it.

<< How to get there?

This space is very close to the Dehesa de Corduente Interpretation Centre. We find it by continuing along the CM-2015, until we reach the turn-off near the road that takes us to the village of Torremocha del Pinar. It is on both sides of the road at this point where we find the 11 hectares of micro-reserve.

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