
Barranco de la Hoz Somera

Steep slopes, rugged landscapes and dense pine forests


Carrascosa de la Sierra


40.596277492769, -2.1886973549428


Carrascosa de la Sierra


40.596277492769, -2.1886973549428

La Hoz Somera

The ravine of the Hoz somera is located at the North of the Cuenca Mountainsmore specifically near the Blacksmith's shop of Santa Cristina, a hamlet of Carrascosa de la Sierra in a high and cold moorland from where deep gorges and steep ravines of intermittent course descend and empty their waters in the Guadiela River.

This ravine is one of the places that if you don't know it yet, you can't miss it. It is a spectacle. Thanks to its humid corners, even in the summer season, it grows a lush vegetation that covers everything. From the banks of the river, covered with dense white poplars, poplars, lime trees and hazelnut trees, to the top of the rocky walls and escarpments, which sometimes reach 200 metres, everything is screened by a dense blanket of vegetation.

At the bottom of the ravine flows the Arroyo de la Hoz Somera, which will only allow us to advance until its waters become permanent. It is at the beginning of this section that we find the official path of the Serranía de Cuenca. PR-CU 01The route is a journey through the canyon, which reveals several incredible corners in the surroundings of this marvellous river canyon.

The site of the Castillejos stands out on its own, it is an impressive enchanted city formed by towers and limestone monoliths that occupy the upper part of the ravine, crowning it imposingly. It is a characteristic lapiázThe rock is gradually eroded, giving rise to these capricious formations.

As one of the wildest places in the whole of Europe, the Serranía de CuencaIt is very common to find different sportsmen and sportswomen, practising one of their hobbies, whether it be hikers walking their paths, aviaries looking for the best snapshot of the multitude of forest birds and raptors, canyoners descending steep ravine beds or amateur canyoning, or mycology looking for some of the delicacies that are hidden here.

Such is the beauty and value of this place, that any nature lover should not miss it, from sightings, breathtaking panoramic views or incredible routes, everyone enjoys the Barranco de la Hoz Somera.

Although there is no doubt that this canyon stands out among many others for canyoning enthusiasts, there are many who have already descended the pools and jumps that it forms until it flows into the Guadiela. It is one of the favourites for lovers of canyoning and is therefore one of the must-see canyons in this part of the province of Cuenca.

<< How to get there?

To access this ravine, the best way is to go to the village of Carrascosa de la Sierraand from here take the track that leads us towards the Blacksmith's shop of Santa Cristina, The path leads through fields of crops and woodland until it reaches the ravine itself, which we can say starts at the Las Losas spring. From this path you can enjoy the best panoramic views of the whole Hoz, the dam and the Molino de la Chincha, and even the village of Vadillos Bridge in the background.


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