
Climbing Barranco de la Hoz

One of the most beautiful and curious ravines


Barranco de la Hoz, Corduente


40.8157111, -2.3488878


Barranco de la Hoz, Corduente


40.8157111, -2.3488878

Climbing in the Barranco de la Hoz canyon

The Barranco de la Hoz, located very close to Corduentebecame common in the eighties, when climbers from Madrid, eager for new places, left an indelible mark of their openings there, in a peculiar rock, composed of conglomerates and reddish sandstone, which give the environment a beautiful picture.

In the Barranco de la Hoz by regulation there are two different climbing areas:

  • Peñas de la right bank of Barranco de la Virgen de la Hoz for classic climbing and the 15 sports tracks in front of the Pozo del Infierno (Hell's Well) (right bank of the Gallo river) and in the upper part of the ravine near the Water Rock (left bank of the Gallo River).
    For the practice of climbing on these routes no prior authorisation required and can be used during all year round.
  • Barranco de la Virgen de la Hoz on the left bank of the river Gallo, except for the route opened at Pozo del Infierno. The opening of new sport climbing routes is expressly forbidden in this area.
    Climbing is forbidden during the nesting period for birds of prey including between 1 January and 15 August

Some of the climbing routes in Barranco de la Hoz are the following:

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