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08/06/2023 @ 10:00 - 11/06/2023 @ 16:00



We are very happy to inform you about this event and we look forward to seeing you there!

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming Nature Observation Tourism Fair of the Southern Iberian Systemwhich will be held in Corduente (Guadalajara), the next month of June 8,9,10 and 11 in the Dehesa de Corduente Interpretation Centre.

NATURTAJO was created with clear objectives: firstly, it aims to serve as a driving force to publicise the natural areas and the actors and infrastructures of the tourism sector in the Southern Iberian System to tour operators, travel agencies and specialists in the tourism sector, but it also seeks to promote the different tourism initiatives in the area among the general public.

This will awaken interest in the fair, but above all it will allow people to get to know the Sistema Ibérico Sur at first hand, which will cause a real return among the local population, as it generates attachment and pride in the natural resources it possesses while offering them experiences in which the local natural heritage, which has served as an engine of development for the different areas, is made known.

Southern Iberian System

The Sistema Ibérico Sur is a mountain range that extends through both Castilla-La Mancha and Aragón, encompassing the provinces of Cuenca, Guadalajara and Teruel. In this extensive territory, we can find exceptional natural landscapes between the Serranía de Cuenca, the Alto Tajo or Sierra de Albarracín in the Montes Universales, which are home to a great natural and scenic wealth, generally protected by various figures of conservation.

This territory forms part of the so-called "empty Spain", with a low population density and a process of depopulation. This situation has favoured the return and presence of numerous species of fauna and flora, which find in the Southern Iberian System an ideal refuge for their survival.

Among the most outstanding species are birds of prey such as Bonelli's eagles, peregrine falcons and eagle owls, as well as ungulates such as deer, wild boar, mouflon and Iberian ibex.

4 days of activities and events

NATURTAJO is focused on all types of audiences and agents, which is why the fair has been divided into four days focused on different actors.

  • 8 June: A day focused on tour operators as travel agencies and specialists in the sector. It will be a tour of different areas of the Upper Tagus Natural Park, mainly accompanied by members of the organisation and staff of the Natural Park.
  • 9 June: Opening of the Fair and of the exhibition space, mainly intended for professional public. There will be conferences, round tables and networking spaces, focused on generating economic development linked to the nature tourism sector.
  • 10th and 11th June: These two days are aimed at all kinds of audiences and are packed with workshops, demonstrations, concerts and other activities always linked to nature observation and environmental education, which we can enjoy with the family while learning more about the natural heritage that surrounds us.

Further information

Soon we will have all the information about exhibitors and opening hours of NATURTAJO at the official website of the fair Come in and find out more, you can't miss it!



08/06/2023 @ 10:00
11/06/2023 @ 16:00


Alto Tajo Natural Park
Rewilding Spain


Dehesa de Corduente Interpretation Centre
Corduente, Guadalajara + Google Map
en_GBEnglish (UK)