
Fuente del Endrino Alto recreational area

A source of pure and crystalline mountain waters


Fuente del Endrino Alto recreational area


40.598497, -1.712782


Fuente del Endrino Alto recreational area


40.598497, -1.712782

Fuente del Endrino Alto.

This recreational area, Fuente del Endrino Alto, has been one of the favourite places for the people from Alustante and its surroundings to make your snacks for friends and family enjoying a privileged environment.

We are located at about 7 kilometres from the villageThe site is located in the middle of a dense pine forest at an altitude of 1700 metres, so this is probably the most important recreational area located at the highest altitude of the entire Upper Tagus Natural Park.It is this characteristic that also influences the high mountain waters that we can enjoy here.

The spring is situated at 1700 metresAfter some analyses carried out in the last decade, it was said that the waters that flowed here were suitable for children's meals or for people with kidney problems, as it has a very low salt contentbeing a very soft water without microbiological contaminationWe would not be wrong to say that these are probably the purest and cleanest waters in the whole Natural Park.

The Fuente del Endrino Alto recreational area has an area where we can park outside the recreation area, equipped with tables with wooden and stone benchessome covers and a shelter where we will be able to spend the night as a crossing, as well as the fountain, which is very well equipped so that we can comfortably fill our bottles.

Apart from the marvellous waters, another attraction of this place is its spectacular forest of pine trees, many of them centuries oldfor a pleasant stroll or to enjoy an afternoon of collecting mushroomsThis is one of those privileged places where you can fill your basket, but let's remember that mycological exploitation is regulated and we would have to ask for permission to do so.

It must also be said that this area is located in the highest part, and as we go up, we leave behind us two other areas called Fuente del endrino Bajo and Fuente del Endrino Medio. These fully equipped areas are campsites and are regulated by the Alustante Town Council, So if we have any doubts or if we are interested, we will have to request the necessary permits from the administration. Outside the camping season, or if the area is free, we can use it as a recreational area without any problem.

Lastly, we would like to remind you that there is no rubbish collection service outside the urban centres in the Natural Park, so if we decide to use these infrastructures, we must not forget to take the rubbish to the village bins. If we see any containers at the entrances to the campsites, they are for the use of the campsites and the rubbish is only removed when they are in operation, twice a week and by the people themselves, so if we can avoid filling them out of season, it will be much easier for everyone.

<< What to do?

In this recreational area Fuente del Endrino Alto we can enjoy numerous activities framed in nature, we are in a quiet and little travelled place full of birds and birds of prey that delight the observer giving him a day of birdwatching and in the mushroom season, the mycology becomes the protagonist of these mountains and their slopes where abundant species of great culinary interest grow.

<< How to get there?

Reaching this area is very easy, since the deviation is on the road GU-969 in particular on the localities of Alcoroches y Alustante, we must only listen to the signage and continue straight on along the path we took from the road. As we ascend, we will pass through each of the areas until we reach the highest part where we will find the Fuente del Endrino Alto recreational area and its marvellous, pure waters.


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