
Tordesilos Lagoon

Ideal for bird watching




40.653536813343, -1.553832570169




40.653536813343, -1.553832570169

Tordesilos Lagoon

It is a small naturally formed lagoonIt is surrounded by reeds, with a clay base that prevents the water from seeping in. It is modest in size, mostly occupied by lush reeds and with some areas of bulrushes, which almost always offer some interesting sightings, such as blues, coots, marsh harriers and some waders.

The presence of aquatic and amphibious vegetation, which is of great environmental value, added to the ornithological interest as a refuge and feeding area for bird populations and the high sensitivity and vulnerability of this lagoon to possible restoration actions, justifies its designation as a "Key Element for the Management of the Natura 2000 Site". of the Tordesilos lagoon and its associated amphibious vegetation. This designation occupies both the lagoon basin and the seasonal flooding areas associated with it.

Tordesilos, is located at one end of the Park Natural Alto Tajoand so it would often go unnoticed, but the gap and the area The two buildings next to it are well worth a visit.

tordesilos lagoon

<< How to get there?

This small lagoon is located about 4 kilometres from the village of Tordesilos in the direction of Ródenas. The turnoff on the road is signposted, when we arrive we can park next to the recreational area of the lagoonA good place in the middle of a poplar grove with dense and cool shade.


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