
Location: Tordesilos

Tordesilos is surrounded by two important relief units. On the one hand, there are the foothills of the Sierra Menerawhere we find the two most remarkable heights of the term: the Pico del Águila and Peña del Hombre. At the opposite end, the terrain is uneven, especially in the area of the Rambla de los Hornachones, which only provides water when there is significant rainfall or thawing; it is assumed that the river Gallo flows through this Rambla, which from its source in the Albarracín mountains heads towards Molina. Another small stream, which is also practically dry all year round, flows through the areas of La Covatilla and La Matanza. Finally, we should mention the Fuente de Celemilla, the only one in the municipal district, located about two kilometres from the village on the road to Tordesilos Beteta Tordellego.
The beautiful lagoon located in the vicinity of the town stands out above all, where, thanks to its location, we can enjoy a multitude of birds practically all year round.

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