
Viewpoint of the Cueva del Febrero

Views of the Cabrillas Canyon


Viewpoint of the Cueva del Febrero


40.692215, -2.024666


Viewpoint of the Cueva del Febrero


40.692215, -2.024666

Viewpoint of the Cueva del Febrero

This is one of the most spectacular viewpoints in the Upper Tagus Natural Park and offers a wide view of the Tagus river canyon from the top of the hill above the village of Taravilla. In particular, you will never forget the sunset from this viewpoint. From here the views are almost infinite, and you can perfectly contemplate the modelling work of the waters of the river, as you can perfectly appreciate how we are at the top of a moorland, and the river has been carving downwards, leaving the spectacular rocky outcrops of the canyons in view.

From the viewpoint we can appreciate the landscape almost untouched by the hand of man, except for the wild morsel of the kaolin mines of Poveda de la Sierra. We can see the Muela del Condeand just behind it we can sense the Machorrillo viewpoint, in the molar of Utiél. The valley of the Tagus and the Cabrillas canyon and the hollow occupied by the Taravilla Lagoon.


In the afternoon, the landscape becomes a little more overwhelming, but the flight of the griffon vultures will delight anyone here, as thanks to our altitude, we can hear them flapping above our heads as they search for the thermal currents that make them gain altitude.

We highly recommend a visit to this tranquil viewpoint, one of the most impressive places in the entire country. Park Alto Tajo Natural Park.

<< How to get there?

The easiest way to get to this balcony is to go to the village of Taravilla, from here the path is signposted and it is very easy to get there. However, if you wish, you can do the following the route that runs along the top of the whole of this muelaThis will take us to different points like this one, which are well worth a visit.

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