
El Ceremeño Museum

To complete the visit to the Celtiberian castro


El Ceremeño" Museum


40.887651570944, -1.9610428447796


El Ceremeño" Museum


40.887651570944, -1.9610428447796

El Ceremeño Museum

The small museum El Ceremeño  has been installed on the ground floor of the City Council of Blacksmith (a little further in front of the entrance to the site, on the same side of the road), occupying a room of 36m2.

Displayed in showcases are found materials. on the siteThe exhibition is accompanied by drawings and reconstructions that complement the visit to the settlement, providing a better understanding of the different phases of the settlement. The model with a circular support, located in the centre of the room, which shows the reconstruction of the settlement, is particularly noteworthy.

In the square outside the El Ceremeño Museum, located to the left of the building, some of the funerary structures (circles, tubular cobblestones, stelae) found at the necropoliswith an explanatory poster, like an open-air section of the Museum.

Visitors to the Celtiberian castro of El Ceremeño, visitors can learn more about how the pre-Roman inhabitants of this settlement lived through some of the objects found in the different archaeological campaigns, which are exhibited in this small museum. In addition, a series of drawings and reconstructions provide a better understanding of the different phases of occupation. The model with a circular support in the centre of the room, which shows what the settlement must have looked like in its second phase of occupation, is particularly interesting.

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