
San Pedro´s Bridge

A well-known spot where the Gallo and the Tagus meet.




40.79783005755, -2.1549179633275




40.79783005755, -2.1549179633275

San Pedro´s Bridge

The San Pedro´s Bridge is located just above the junction of the Tagus and Gallo riversIt is a very beautiful place and perfect for bathing during the summer months. The union of these two rivers has environmental consequences, beyond the beauty of the place. Each one of them flows through areas with very different rocks, which means that they the water composition of the two is very different.

The most obvious effect of this occurs during periods of heavy rainfall, when both rivers greatly increase their flow and thus their power to carry sediment. In the Roosterthe waters become reddish colour by washing away large quantities of sand and clay of that colour. However, the Tagus becomes milk-white as it carries with it many sands and kaolin particles. In the San Pedro´s Bridge these waters of such different colours come together, giving rise to a stretch where each bank of the river has a different colour. Thus, after the floods, the river flows in two colours for several hundred metres, as if both courses were obstinate in maintaining their own nature.

In the area around this site, the gallery forests flanking the banks of the Tagus appear with twigs, poplars, hazelnut trees, dogwoods and loose specimens of birch or mountain ash. Here they find shelter, in addition to the ottera multitude of small birds such as the dipper, the pied wagtail, robin or common chiffchaff.

There is a pool near the Puente de San Pedro where you can go scuba diving if you do so with one of the active tourism companies in the area.

In the vicinity we can find a multitude of magical places such as the Tagus viewpointthe Stairway or the Alpetea Castle.

<< How to get there?

To get there, take the CM-2015 road that connects the towns of Zaorejas with Molina de Aragón. A few kilometres before arriving at Zaorejaswe will meet with the parking area available on one side of the bridge.

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