
La Falaguera II recreational area

Shade and tranquillity on the banks of the Tagus River


La Falaguera II recreational area


40.782343691106, -2.122960147677


La Falaguera II recreational area


40.782343691106, -2.122960147677

La Falaguera II recreational area

The La Falaguera II recreational area, very close to the San Pedro´s Bridge is located in the Valdenarros shady spot and very close to another recreational area with which it shares a name and which you can find here.

<< How to get there?

To access this recreation area, it is best to take the Tajo track, about a kilometre from the San Pedro´s Bridgewith direction to Zaorejas. Before reaching the bridge, just at the beginning of a narrowing of the CM-2015 we will find a large sign at the beginning of a dirt track, which we must take. In about 3 kilometres we will have reached our destination.

<< Equipment

As soon as you arrive, you will see the fence that delimits the Falaguera II recreational area where the picnic area is located, with a multitude of tables scattered in the shade of a large and well-kept pine forest. Informative signage completes the area, where you will see the multitude of spaces along the Tagus River, dedicated to leisure and activities.

<< What to do?

So we can say that the recreational area la Falaguera IIThis is one of the best areas of the Tagus river to spend a great day on its banks. Thanks to the wide space that delimits the area, we can spend a peaceful day enjoying nature. Moreover, the river in this area is an ideal place for bathing and water activities. During our walks through the area, we can always observe the presence of groups descending the river in canoes, or stopping to refuel, as here, the river allows us to disembark in an easy and simple way.

On the track we are travelling along, there are various paths and trailssome of them with a long history, such as the GR-113It is not unusual to see groups of hikers stopping at this marvellous place.

Calm and crystalline waters, pebble beaches where you can spend a nice afternoon, dense and cool shade at any time of the year, The EscaleruelaThis is one of the most beautiful spots along the Tagus river, very close and in the rainy season.

Finally, it should be noted that the recreational areas of the Natural Park and, in particular, all the areas along the Tagus track, do not have containers or rubbish collection services at any time of the year. It will be necessary to collect everything and take away what we no longer need, there are containers in the villages, but the place for rubbish is not the mountain.

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