
Location: Torremocha del Pinar

The term Torremocha del Pinar is located, in the centre of a hidden and magnificent valley, the finca of Arandillawhere the river of the same name has its source, which, after crossing the lovely Montesinos ravine to end up at the Gallo.
There is also a micro-reserve of wet meadows, where the Ophioglossum azoricum fern grows, a species of interest according to the Regional Catalogue of Threatened Species. Art lovers should visit the parish church of San Benito AbadIt is a Romanesque church, remodelled, with interesting altarpieces and 14 images distributed along the walls of the temple that represent the Calvary of Christ. As a curiosity, the temple has two clocks, one on the front of the bell tower and the other on the south side.
There are two hermitages in the municipality: San Juan and San Bernardo, at the source of the beautiful Arandilla.

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