
Sima de Alcorón

Sima prepared for the visit


Villanueva de Alcorón


40.6879098, -2.1781884


Villanueva de Alcorón


40.6879098, -2.1781884

Sima de Alcorón

The Sima de Alcorón is an authentic natural well 63 metres deep which is easy to descend, as it is equipped with stone steps and a handrail that allows us to go down easily.

The Sima de Alcorón is one of the many cavities that perforate the moorland. In fact, in the surroundings of this area there are many cavities that generally consist of only one or two vertical conduits that reach depths of more than 200 metres. 

The cave has a depth of 63 metres, divided into two sections. The first section leads to a 20-metre plan in diameter where the sunlight enters. Metal steps provide access to this large room, which is 15 metres high. The second section goes all the way down to the bottom The entrance to the cavity is via a concrete staircase surrounded by a chaos of blocks. Precisely at its lowest point, there is a artificial dam which the inhabitants of the area used to get water, as there were no springs or streams on the moorland. To access this place felled pine trees which they threw into the cavity, down into the cavity, using the branches of the tree as ladders.

Sima de Alcorón

The descent to the pylon that collects the water that falls from the wall from the top of a beautiful washThe water has modelled curious shapes on the walls, beautifully upholstered in some places by moss and lichen, and a beautiful play of light that changes as our eyes become accustomed to the semi-darkness and the position of the sun moves upwards. The orangey colours that the ferruginous waters have left in the wash are a real spectacle.

If you take the precaution of visiting the chasm during the summer season or close to noon, the spectacle you will contemplate is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful that can be witnessed here: the high humidity inside the chasm, when the sun's rays pass through it vertically, creates the visual effect of a light beamIt is a magical, almost magical, light that manages to reach the bottom and, bouncing off the water of the pylon, illuminates practically the whole of the hollow. Simply prodigious, it is undoubtedly one of the wonders of the Natural Park.

Route 6: Villanueva de Alcorón-Peñalén

<< How to get there?

To visit the Sima de Alcorón, which, as its name indicates, belongs to the locality of Villanueva de Alcors websiteWe have to go to the CM-2101 road that joins this town with its neighbouring one. Peñalénand approximately between kilometres 5 and 6, we will find signposted detour which leads us to the recreational area which houses this beautiful chasm.

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