
Hermitage of the Virgin of Montesinos

Well-preserved hermitage in a spectacular setting


Hermitage of the Virgin of Montesinos


40.8834303, -2.1038112


Hermitage of the Virgin of Montesinos


40.8834303, -2.1038112

Hermitage of the Virgin of Montesinos

The Sanctuary of the Virgin of Montesinos is located in the middle of the a marvellous natural, stony, reddish landscape. Erosion has patiently sculpted the capricious rocks that flank the gorge, giving it colours and a beauty that we could not have imagined. The building faces a waterfall that in the rainy season is a reason to rejoice, which runs through an old "hanging valley", which was left above the riverbed, forcing the waters of the stream to form this waterfall.

Legend has it that Our Lady appeared to a shepherd girl He was looking for a lost cow that had strayed into the ravine of the Arandilla river. The Virgin helped him to find the animal and urged him to go to the castle of Alpeteawhere the Moor Montesinos ruled these lands with great cruelty. To convince Montesinos, the Virgin gave him back his hand, engraving on it the sign of the cross. Montesinos, impressed by such a miracle, converted to Christianity and erected a chapel in honour of the Virgin Mary, which today bears his name.

The hermitage of the Virgen del Montesinos is of considerable size. From rectangular floor planIt is made up of two sections, the one corresponding to the chancel, to which the sacristy is attached, being higher. In the highest part there is an opening, occupied by a small bell. Its lintelled doorway with a semicircular arch formed by large voussoirs and the interior dome that rises above the presbytery, decorated with geometric elements, stand out. In front of
The santero's house is located on the same street.

The third weekend in May is held on pilgrimage in honour of the Virgin of Montesinos, Declared a Festival of Provincial Tourist Interest. The inhabitants of the villages of Cobeta, Torremocha del Pinar, Villar de Cobeta, Olmeda de Cobeta, Anquela del Ducado, Selas y Aragoncillo pilgrims come to this hermitage carrying their particular parish crosses and banners, which is why this feast is also known as the "Romería de las siete cruces y las siete banderas" (Pilgrimage of the seven crosses and the seven flags)..

When they meet at this sanctuary, they intertwine their hands as a sign of fraternity and after going round the shrine seven times, they finish the event with a popular meal.

For more than half a century, Francisco Checa Concha, known as "el santero de la virgen de Montesinos", who died in April 2014 at the age of 93, lived in this sanctuary. In his memory, a plaque was erected in the vicinity of the chapel. Nowadays, a small shelter has been created in the facilities he used to occupy, which can be accessed and used by requesting the appropriate permits from the Cobeta Town Hall.

We highly recommend a visit to this sanctuary, not only for the folkloric or religious value it may have, but also for the spectacular beauty of the place where it is located. It is a small haven of nature where you can only breathe peace that every lover of the outdoors deserves and should know. We can also walk along a stretch of the riverbed and discover many of the secrets and animals that are found in the crevices of the reddish rocks that make up the canyon walls.

<< How to get there?

To get to this Sanctuary, we must leave the town of Cobeta, on the CM-2015 in the direction of Corduente. Immediately after crossing a small bridge over the river Arandilla and just before a big curve that goes uphill, there is an track on our left which leads us to a small car park, located a few metres from the hermitage of the Virgen de Montesinos.

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