
Salinas de la Inesperada

Ruins of a saltworks next to the Hundido


Near Hundido de Armallones


40.7839178, -2.3620443


Near Hundido de Armallones


40.7839178, -2.3620443

Salinas de la Inesperada

The Salinas de la Inesperada are located next to the mouth of the river Ablanquejo in the river Tagus, very close to the Hundido de Armallones. They were a communal building of 1860 and operated continuously until 1936. They consist of a central building for storage and housing, and a series of canals and troughs with stone paving where the saline water is collected and collected to obtain salt after evaporation.

The factory used both the brackish waters of a stream that overlooks the Tagus and the rock salt that existed in the limestone rocks in the surrounding area. Some of the outbuildings and structures such as warehouses, ponds and channels are still preserved today. The rudimentary decanters of this small exploitation can still be seen, but they are in a state of abandonment, and are not available for interpreted visits, simply for the delight of the observer, who looks with eyes to the past that was once the future of these lands.

<< How to get there?

The best way to get there is to walk along the path of the Hundido de Armallones from OcentejoYou cannot go by car, so you have to go on foot and respect the bird nesting period (1 February-15 June). Once you have passed the Hundido area and the Eyes of the Carquima we will reach the Salinas de la Inesperada. Up to that point we will have travelled about ten kilometres, from OcentejoWe will have done them in an hour and three quarters.

For those of you who still want to, I would recommend to follow a path which leaves from the same building as the saltworks and goes up the Tagus River to its confluence with the river Ablanquejo. Although there is a wide variety of tours that take us to see part of one of the most beautiful corners of the Alto Tajo.

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