Waterfall of the Molino de Arriba (Peralejos)
Prey to be eliminated, enjoy it while you can
Peralejos de las Truchas
40.579941, -1.9162067
Molino de Arriba waterfall
The waterfall of Molino de Arriba, in the village of Peralejos de las TruchasThis is an artificial waterfall that arises from the construction of an old dam, now practically abandoned. Without being a recreational area, it is a good place to spend some time near the river. There is a small area where you can park right next to an old hostel that is now disused.
<< Environment
This is a perfect area to enjoy nature. To get there, we must take the dirt track that comes out from the from the fronton of Peralejos de las Truchas, is in good condition, so if we continue along it, in about two kilometres we will reach the top of our waterfall.
When we reach this point, we can park in a specially prepared area with a capacity of about 15 vehicles at the entrance to an old hostel where there are signs indicating several parking spaces. routes. Our first contact with the water of the mighty Tagus is in the upper part of the waterfall, in the wide area described here by the river of emerald and aquamarine tones. Soon after, the water rushes over an artificial waterfall, already colonised and eroded by the force of the water.
At the foot of the Molino de Arriba waterfall, a large pool is formed, where many people enjoy refreshing baths during the hot months. From here, the shallow Tagus River creates a path of small waterfalls and large areas of calm water where you can spend a hot summer's day.
From this point, if we wish, we can take the route of the SL-11 El Molino de Arriba, and continue downstream along its right bank, reaching the recreational area of El Vado and then to the starting point, taking a comfortable walk along the hill of La Redonda, among Jurassic materials and riverside vegetation. In little more than two hours we will do a circular walk enjoying unbeatable views over the river, the surrounding ravines, the Belvalle forest and some geological features.
<< Curiosities
- If you decide to visit this beautiful enclave, we recommend that you observe the two anticlines that form the structure of the La Redonda hill, two anticlinal folds, divided by a small fault.
- Note also the shape of the stones in the area of the waterfall, they are called "el Losar", and you will soon guess why.
- Look at the variety of tree and shrub species along the riverbank, we are in an area of very dense vegetation with a multitude of species typical of colder climates.
- Observe the barriers formed by the deposition of the carbonates dissolved in the river: they form natural dams, creating upstream pools and small waterfalls downstream. These are the tuffaceous formations, whose curious shapes will surprise you.
- Finally, analyse the area where the houses of the Molino de Arriba waterfall (not the hydroelectric power station) are located. They are located in a flat area formed largely by tuffs. They mark an almost flat area where the river flowed in ancient times, in colder periods, when its flow was much higher than today.
We cannot fail to mention that, although with the intervention of man's hand, we are in a natural site of special value for both endemic flora and fauna and for visitors and locals, it is everyone's responsibility to keep these enclaves as well cared for as possible, and with the increase in visits this is not happening. We must guarantee the survival of these sites, so that all those who wish to visit them can do so in the best possible conditions.
Enjoy them to the full, but collect everything you generate and take back what you no longer need, avoid disturbing the fauna and do not destroy the flora that populates the environment. In this way everyone, young and old, will be able to contemplate all the wonders that surround us.