
Hermitage of San Lorenzo (Czech Republic)

Hermitage located in the heart of Sierra Molina


Hermitage of San Lorenzo (Czech Republic)


40.480152930316, -1.8248891830444


Hermitage of San Lorenzo (Czech Republic)


40.480152930316, -1.8248891830444

Hermitage of San Lorenzo

This Hermitage of San Lorenzo dates back to the 18th century. It is the furthest from Czechas it is located in Sierra MolinaThe wildest and most unpopulated area of the Alto Tajo Natural Park. For kilometres and kilometres we will be surrounded by the purest peace and tranquillity provided by a breathtaking nature.

With regard to the Hermitage of San LorenzoIt has a rectangular floor plan with two storeys. It is built in masonry, with ashlars in the corners, windows and door. The image of the saint remains in the chapel throughout the year and every 10th August (San Lorenzo), a pilgrimage is made to the chapel to celebrate a mass in his honour.

This hermitage is included in one of the stages of the GR-113 "Camino Natural del Tajo", specifically stage 2 between Villar del Cobo and Ermita de San Lorenzo, where this stage ends in the lands of Sierra Molina.

To get there, the easiest way is to continue onwards along the road that leads to the Aguaspeñafrom Czech and after a few kilometres without any detours, you will come to a signpost on the left that will take you to the hermitage itself.

During the rainy season, it is advisable not to get too involved with cars that are not prepared for it, as it is in an area where a lot of water circulates and accumulates, so we could be in for a scare.

In its surroundings, we can enjoy the views offered by the wide sowing fields, many of them nowadays no longer in use, and the impressive figure formed by the creeping junipers, giving rise to a type of landscape called leopard skinThe stamping that can be seen from a distance. Furthermore, from this hermitage, we can walk through the ravine of the hollows or malilla promenadeFollowing its dry riverbed downstream, until it reaches its junction with the Tagus River, where a marvellous pool is formed at the foot of spectacular rocky outcrops.

Along the way, we recommend that you keep a close eye on the stones that populate the riverbed. Thousands of animal fossils from the past have left their mark in these ravines, and now they have been dragged downstream, delighting the curious and geology lovers.

Finally, we can recommend this location, for all those who love the animals and wildlife in even of the rutting at the end of September and October, in this area at the right time of day (dusk and dawn), we will find ourselves in a perfect location to enjoy the multitude of deer that populate this remote place, which few adventurers reach, always accompanied by the flight of large birds of prey and vultures that will delight the observer.

An alternative for listening to the bellowing or watching deer is a couple of kilometres before reaching the hermitage of San Lorenzo, in the area of "the waitresses.


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