
Picnic areas with barbecue in Alto Tajo

Picnic areas with barbecue in Alto Tajo

In the last month many users have come to the website looking for "picnic areas with barbecue in Guadalajara", in fact it has been the number 1 keyword in terms of new users on the web.

Now that we have seen this and after having spent the last week touring the area of the Park that burned down in the 2005 fire in Riba de SaelicesWe have felt obliged to write this post to clarify some things about this issue and to do our bit to ensure that something like this does not happen again.

This fire started precisely in a barbecue that some hikers lit on the worst day of a torrid summer, which killed 11 lives in the Cogolludo forest reserve and 13,000 hectares, many of them of incalculable value and which were the livelihood of many families.

Barbecues where the fire started in 2005

Picnic areas with Barbecue in the Alto Tajo - Guadalajara

As a result of these events, the legislation in Castilla-La Mancha changed radically and today it is much more restrictive than in the past. Currently, every year this no open fires are allowed between 1 June and 30 SeptemberIn the case of a drier than normal year, it is usually extended for more months, even from the beginning of May. This ban includes the barbecue areas in public places to be sealed off and a ban on open fires anywhere outdoors..

Even in authorised areas and on authorised dates, make sure that it is allowed and, if it is, take special care when extinguishing it, making sure that no embers are left that could rekindle it and thus start a fire.

Another point to note is that there are very few places with barbecues in the Alto Tajo for obvious reasons, for example, the barbecues in the photo above no longer exist. The few places with barbecues that exist are usually in localities (such as 3 barbecues in the centre of the village of Peñalen) or in sports or recreation areas attached to the villages.

If you are looking for a picnic area with barbecue on the Tagus River to take a bath after lunch, we can already assure you that There are none in the more than 100 km of river running through the Park. and those near a village can hardly be used due to the restrictions of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha or those of the Alto Tajo Natural Park, which restrict this practice even more.

Since it is very risky both for the environment and for our pocket (the smoke is visible from great distances and it is quite likely to end up with a fine), we recommend NOT to come to the Alto Tajo for a barbecue.It is not necessary to go to a Natural Park to eat a steak, this can be done anywhere, so finally, as a summary reminder, we leave you the most important points so that our trips to the countryside do not end with some misfortune.

If you are going on a trip or hike in a forest or wilderness area, remember:

  • Do not light fires for any use (cooking, heating, etc.), remember NEVER light a fire. Please note that, in general, the use of fire is forbidden in any forest area or site. The use of fire is only authorised in very specific areas and at very specific times (recreational areas specifically designed for this purpose and outside the danger period, which varies according to weather conditions).
  • Put out matches and cigarettes properly and do not throw them out of the car windows. The risk of fire is very high even if it does not seem so.
  • Do not leave bottles, glass objects or rubbish in the field that could cause or encourage a fire.
  • Light fires only in authorised and conditioned places and at authorised times. Even then, take extreme precautions (do not leave the fire alone, light it with charcoal or wood that does not fly sparks, have water ready in case it gets out of hand, etc.).
  • Extinguish the fire taking special care to ensure that no embers are left to rekindle the fire.

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