
Blacksmiths of Peralejos

Old blacksmith's shop next to the Hoz Seca


Along the bed of the Hoz Seca


40.528136858754, -1.8639388451471


Along the bed of the Hoz Seca


40.528136858754, -1.8639388451471

Blacksmiths of Peralejos

The Herrería de Peralejos, also known as the Herrería de los Morencos, is located within the municipal district of Peralejos de las Truchas very close to the course of the river Hoz Seca.

It is an important construction made of masonry with touches of strong ashlar that dates from the XVIIIth century. Its large size is striking, making it one of the most unique buildings in the area. It is the only known smithy located next to the Hoz seca and one of the most important in the Upper Tagus. For centuries, iron was forged here, which was so famous in its day for its ductility and hardness. It is now in ruins but it is easy to see how important it was not so long ago.

In addition, next to the construction of the main building, we discover another ancient construction of what would have been corrals for storing livestock and food in times gone by. Inside these corrals, we are surprised to see the construction of a burladero, which we imagine was used for bullfighting festivities.

At that time, many people depended on the Morencos Blacksmith's forge, which became one of the most important businesses in the whole of the Upper Tagus. In its surroundings, we could find large cleared areas, where they grew their food and extracted straw for the animals, which allowed the subsistence of its tenants.

In addition, at the nearby shrine of the Virgin of RibagordaThere is a tombstone with an inscription referring to one of its former inhabitants: "Here lies Doña Luisa López Morencos de Arrazola, a native of Checa, who died (in her mansion in La Herrería) on 13 July 1860".

<< How to get there?

To approach the old Blacksmith's of Peralejos, we must start our way at Peralejos de las Truchas and take the track that leads to the Ribagorda Chapeland continue along it, until we reach the ford across the river Hoz Secawhere we will park our vehicle. From here we only have to walk a few metres parallel to the river along its right bank until the sturdy building, once alive, rises up before our eyes.

<< Environment

Visiting the Herrería de Peralejos, we realise what a spectacular place we are in. We walk next to a cold and flowing river OcesecaWe will also have time to feel tiny at the foot of this great canyon formed by our strong river. We will also have time to feel tiny at the foot of this great canyon that our strong river has formed. In front La CampanaThe area is full of impressive rock formations, home to a multitude of birds of prey. Behind, El RasónIt is an imposing height and the most impressive natural viewpoint of all.

Riverside vegetation in continuous spreading, every time you visit, something has been colonised. A dense pine forest, a refuge for a multitude of wild animals that are sure to come out and take a look at us. Pure, crystalline waters. Solitude and absolute tranquillity. Everything that surrounds this marvellous location is worth contemplating.

<< What to do?

The visit to the smithy makes it almost obligatory to carry out the a path which leads us through unusual landscapes, to an old dam, the Navarejos Dam, and then downstream to the mouth of the Hoz Seca river in a young and scarce Tagus. We will soon go up the route that we follow, but we have already pointed out that the path gets lost in some sections and we must be careful not to stray from the riverbed.

The other alternative for the walker, from the point where we have parked our vehicle, is to explore the Altos de la CampanaTo do so, it will be necessary to ford the river and face the tough Cuesta del Acebar which takes us up to the upper part of the canyon, overcoming a 300 metre drop that will force us to take a well-deserved rest, enjoying the impressive views of the meanders drawn by the bed of the Hoz Seca, and in the background, the impressive canyon carved by the Tagus.

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