
5 reasons why the Upper Tagus is your oasis of freshness in summer

5 reasons why the Upper Tagus is your oasis of freshness in summer

Spain is facing an unrelenting heatwave, with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees next week. As cities turn into ovens and asphalt seems to melt, Don't you dream of a cool, natural refuge where you can escape the infernal heat? Look no further than the Upper Tagus! This natural paradise in the heart of Spain offers the perfect respite from the high temperatures. Discover why the Alto Tajo has become a favourite destination for those seeking a refreshing and adventurous summer.

Tagus River. La Manguilla

Milder temperatures: Your ally against the heatwave

While much of the Iberian Peninsula is facing sweltering temperatures above 40°C, the Upper Tagus welcomes you with a much more pleasant climate. Thanks to its altitude and natural environment, temperatures in this region tend to reach at most 30-35 degrees Celsius during the most intense heat waves. Imagine waking up in the morning and feeling a cool breeze caressing your face, instead of the hot, heavy air of the city.

Refreshing rivers: A bath in nature

The Upper Tagus is famous for its crystal-clear rivers, and there is no better way to beat the heat than by immersing yourself in its cool waters. The Tagus River offers numerous bathing areas where you can cool off and enjoy nature in its purest state. Remember that in summer, many of these marvellous recreational areas have regulated access. To make your reservation without any problem, go to the Tagus Canyon website. Some of the most popular bathing areas include:

  • The Bridge of San Pedro: An idyllic spot where the river forms small waterfalls and pools perfect for swimming.
  • The stretch of the Tagus river as it passes through Peralejos de las TruchasAn area equipped with services that make it ideal for families.
  • Poveda waterfallA quiet area surrounded by forests where you can swim and relax.

But the Alto Tajo does not only offer relaxing baths. If you are looking for strong emotions, you can practice water sports such as canoeing or white-water rafting. These activities will not only refresh you, but will also provide you with a dose of adrenaline and fun.

Cool nights: Rest and comfort are guaranteed.

After a day full of activities, there is nothing better than a cool night to rest and recharge your batteries. While in the cities the heat persists even after the sun goes down, in the Alto Tajo the nights are surprisingly cool. With temperatures night-time temperatures can drop to as low as 10°C.You can sleep comfortably with the windows open, enjoying the night breeze and the sound of nature. Forget about sleepless nights in the heat and wake up every morning completely refreshed.

Ana, a tourist from Barcelona, tells us: "What surprised me most about the Alto Tajo were the nights. After hot days in the city where I couldn't sleep, here I had to take out a blanket - incredible to be able to sleep so well in the middle of summer!

Evening activities: Coolness and magic under the stars

When the sun goes down and the temperatures drop, the Alto Tajo takes on a new life. The cool nights are perfect for enjoying unique activities that will connect you with nature and local culture.

  • Night trekkingExplore the trails of the Alto Tajo under the moonlight. It is a magical experience that will allow you to discover nature from a completely different perspective.
  • AstrotourismThe low light pollution of the Alto Tajo makes it an ideal place for stargazing. Take part in an astro-tourism session and marvel at the immensity of the universe.
banner observatory

Hardwood forests: Your natural refuge

The Upper Tagus is home to extensive forests which act as a natural air conditioner. These green lungs not only provide shade and coolness, but also offer a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Stroll through the shaded paths of the Alto Tajo Natural Park and let yourself be enveloped by the freshness of its forests of pines, junipers and oaks.

The fresh, clean air, full of natural aromas, will help you forget the heat and stress of the city. For nature lovers, these forests are a paradise of biodiversity. You will be able to observe a great variety of flora and fauna, including some species endemic to the region.

Sunset or sunset walks

The Alto Tajo offers not only nature and freshness, but also a rich history and culture that is reflected in its charming villages. Visiting these places is like taking a trip back in time, where you can enjoy the traditional architecture, the local gastronomy and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

Summer is an ideal time to soak up our history and local traditions. Stroll through its villages, discover each of its corners, visit our small shops and producers and relax with a cool drink on one of our terraces.

Some of the towns you should not miss are:

Each of these villages offers a unique experience and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and history of the area, all while enjoying the pleasant climate.

Czech. La Pedrera Stream

The Upper Tagus is much more than just a summer destination; it is an oasis of coolness and tranquillity. in the sweltering heat of the Spanish summer. With its milder temperatures, refreshing rivers, cool nights, lush forests and exciting night-time activities.Alto Tajo offers you the perfect getaway for this summer.

Whether you are looking for adventure, relaxation or a combination of both, the Alto Tajo has something for you. Escape the heat, reconnect with nature and create unforgettable memories in this natural paradise. What are you waiting for? Book your getaway to the Alto Tajo today and discover why it is the favourite climatic refuge for those looking for a cool summer full of unique experiences.

How to get there

The Alto Tajo is easily accessible by car from Madrid on the A-2 motorway (approximately 2.5 hours) and from other major cities such as Zaragoza or Valencia (A-23). There are also bus services from Madrid and Guadalajara to several villages in the area.

Always remember to respect the natural environment and follow the conservation rules of the Upper Tagus Natural Park. Enjoy your fresh and memorable getaway in the Upper Tagus!

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