
Georuta 7: Taravilla Lagoon-Salto de Poveda-Peralejos



Start at Salto de Poveda


40.650064, -1.9791872


Start at Salto de Poveda


40.650064, -1.9791872

Ida 15 Km |  Unevenness 80 m |  Duration 4 h |  Route

Georuta 7: Taravilla Lagoon-Salto de Poveda-Peralejos

The Georuta 7, has a total length of 15 km, The route between stops 2 and 8 can only be done on foot, with a walk of just under 2 hours each way, which can be shortened by crossing the river by a ford that requires barefoot, although this is only possible during the summer.

This route shows you a section of the Tagus River, the main feature of the Natural Park. Next to it, you can visit a lagoon of karstic origin dammed by tuffs and very narrow ravines through which flow tributaries that provide water to the river, canyons, ravines, torrents, springs and waterfalls. A pleasant walk to contemplate the upper course of the Tagus, the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula. We will also enjoy the extensive mixed forests of laricio pine and gall oak with boxwood undergrowth, which constitute the dominant vegetation in this area of the Tagus canyon.

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