
Location: Taravilla

Taravilla is a municipality founded at the time of the repopulation in the foothills of a limestone mountain, through which, a few kilometres away, the lesser-known but equally spectacular Cabrillas river canyonuntil it spills its fresh water into the Tagus river, in the vicinity of the Peñalén bridge.
The architecture of its buildings has been greatly modified, and the houses that still retain their old appearance are in a state of semi-abandonment. Of its brief hamlet, the most outstanding is the parish churchIt is a medieval structure but has been greatly altered and modified over the centuries, to the point that today it has practically no details of artistic interest.
Undoubtedly its greatest attraction for tourism is its famous lagoonOne of the best-known spots in the Alto Tajo, of karstic and fluvial origin due to the travertine closure of the valley floor. Also of note are its steep and wooded landscapes, this being one of the municipalities of Guadalajara with most impressive sights. The landscapes to be found throughout the area are very interesting, especially those formed by the banks and courses of the rivers Tajo and Cabrillas.

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