
3 cycling routes with views of the Tagus canyon

3 cycling routes with views of the Tagus canyon

If you are thinking of enjoying the Tagus canyon but you don't know where to start we bring you three BIKE ROUTES with views so that you can choose the one you like best, organise yourself at your own pace and discover every corner as you have never done before.

You can organise to do a single route, several in a row, or take the opportunity to stop off in nearby villages to complete a unique weekend.

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The Upper Tagus, is a place full of contrasts: high paramerasmountains with dense forests, formations surprising and cannons rugged and wild.

For us, the best vehicle to discover and not miss all these places is the bicycle, so we recommend you here three routes with which to admire the beauty of these landscapes, looking out onto spectacular natural balconiesThe viewpoints, which serve as bird's eye viewpoints.

3 cycling routes with views of the Tagus Canyon 10

1. The viewpoints of the Tagus (Taravilla-Lebrancón)

If there is a route in the Alto Tajo that we can cycle and that transmits peace, it is this one. As soon as we start, we climb to the top of the Muela de Taravilla through a landscape set in a dense, ancient and well-preserved forest as we look out over the impressive views of the canyon of the Tagus River.

This is the official route of the Natural Park RGPNAT 03 Los Miradores. The official route starts in the village of Taravilla to end up in Lebrancon (33km), although if we want to return by the same route we will have to add 18 km more, making it a circular route.

What stands out most on this route is the purity of the landscape that we observe as we look out from the different viewpoints; the impressive mass that represents the Muela del Conde from the February Cavethe spectacular panoramic view of the Tagus River and the Peña de la Gitana from the Foot and a half or the limestone rock of the Garabatea Castle from the Puntal del Pancho.

Departure place, track, map and all the info of this route.

2. La muela (Peralejos-Taravilla)

This is another route in the Alto Tajo Natural Park that will not disappoint you. As in the Route of the ViewpointsOur path takes us across a high plateau, this time we travel the Muela de Utiél.

The official direction of this route starts from the Huerta del Forestal de Taravilla Recreational Area and ends near Peralejos de las TruchasThe village to which most of this millstone belongs. With a distance of 24 kilometres We can make it a circular route adding 11 kilometres to the return, along the same path, without entering the viewpoints.

As with the previous route, we will walk along the upper part of the muela, through a dense forest of pines, oaks and hollies as we look out over different viewpoints that give us a glimpse of some of the most beautiful views of the canyon of the Tagus river, for example the Taravilla Lagoon from the Machorrillo viewpoint or a perfect panoramic view of the village of Peralejosthe Altos de la Campana and the Dehesa de Belvallein the province of Cuenca, from the Mill foot.

Departure place, track, map and all the info of this route.

3. Sunken Georuta of Armallones (Ocentejo)

The last and no less beautiful or important of the routes proposed today runs along a part of the Tagus River known as the Hundido de Armallones. Departing from the town of Ocentejo We will only have to follow the corresponding signposting with the Goeruta 01who shows us this magical place.

During our tour we will start in the upper part and then gradually enter into the spectacular canyon that the river has been carving to, in the end, end up at the height of its course. If we pay attention to the panels we will also be able to better appreciate all the hard work and the multitude of factors that have intervened over time, shaping this beautiful landscape.

It is a linear route, but thanks to its short distance (8 km), we will have no problems to do it there and back. If we want to extend the route 5 more kilometres, up to 13 km, we can go to see the ancient Salinas de la Inesperadaand if we do, we may be surprised by the impressive Eyes of the Carchemite.

Departure place, track, map and all the info of this route.

As you can see, these routes to discover this enclave by bike take us to a series of unique landscapes with little human influence, where we can appreciate the incalculable beauty of the Tagus River, with a view that is sometimes only within reach of birds. Did you know them? Have you done any of them? Tell us about your experience.

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