
Water: the great treasure of the Upper Tagus

The Upper Tagus is a symphony played by water in constant movement. Here, the tributaries of the majestic Tagus river have sculpted a dream landscape over the millennia, creating places of incomparable beauty. Every corner of this natural paradise offers a unique opportunity for photography and nature lovers.

Imagine walking along pine-lined paths, the fresh air filling your lungs, while the murmur of the water guides you to hidden waterfalls and turquoise pools. This is the Alto Tajo, a place where time seems to stand still and nature shows itself in all its splendour.

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Shaping the natural landscape

Tagus River


The Upper Tagusa natural canvas carved by time and water, is embellished with waterfalls, real jewels that sing melodies of water and rock. Each of them, a masterpiece patiently and masterfully sculpted by naturehas a unique personality and charminviting us to contemplate its beauty.

scaled waterfall


Karst waterfalls, fruit of the tireless work of water on the limestone rockare hymns to geology. Among them, The Escaleruela delights us (nowadays only in very wet periods) with his crystal-clear waters rushing through rocky steps, an unparalleled visual spectacle.

The Fountain of the Tobasa oasis of freshness surrounded by lush vegetationThe picture is worthy of admiration. O The Campillo Waterfalla torrent formed by the waters of a small stream that plunges down from the heights, offers us a image of great beauty and power.


Waterfalls of anthropogenic origin, ancient prey that nature has assimilatedThey are testimonies to the history of man and examples of ephemeral beauty. The Waterfall of the Molino de Arriba in Peralejosreminds us of the passage of time and the transformation of the landscape. Their original use, linked to energy production, has been left behind, and today we are at a crossroads: to preserve them for their tourist use or to return the natural course to the river.

The Poveda waterfalla waterfall more than 15 metres high which, although it has not been able to function as a dam, provides a breathtaking natural spectacle. Calcareous concretions have modified its original structure, providing it with a unique charm.


The tributaries of the Tagus are the veins that give life to this territory, each with its own personality and charm. From the Dry Sicklewhich accompanies the Tagus in its first steps, up to the impressive Rio GalloThese watercourses have shaped the landscape and sustained life in these rugged lands for millennia.

The Tagus River (left) meets the Hoz Seca River (right).


The Gallo river is perhaps the most emblematic of the tributaries of the Upper Tagus. It rises in the heights of the Sierra del Tremedalthe Gallo embarks on an epic journey to its mouth at the Tagus river at the height of San Pedro´s Bridge.

On its route, it passes through villages steeped in history, being Molina de Aragón the most important. But it is in the La Hoz Ravine where the Gallo shows all its creative power. Over millions of years, its waters have sculpted the sandstone rock, creating one of the most impressive sites in the province.


On stormy days, the Gallo is transformed, dragging sediments that stain its waters with a characteristic reddish colour, creating a unique visual spectacle when it meets the turquoise waters of the Tagus at the San Pedro Bridge.


Although short in length, the river Arandilla is no slouch in beauty. Disembarking at the Gallo near St. Peter's Bridge, this small river has created the impressive Arandilla Ravine of special charm in the area known as the Montesino de Cobeta. This canyon, carved out of red sandstone rock like the La Hoz Ravineoffers a landscape of incredible beauty that can be explored by means of a hiking route 6 km (round trip).


Born in Orea, the Cabrillas River The Tagus, which is a river that flows through forests and canyons before delivering its waters to the Tagus near the Peñalén Bridge. Its lesser-known but equally beautiful course offers nooks and crannies of peace and tranquillity for those looking to get off the beaten track and spectacular views of the canyon carved out by the Tagus River.

Peñalén Bridge over the River Tagus, upstream from the mouth of the River Cabrillas.


The river Ablanquejo is perhaps the most inaccessible and wildest of all the tributaries of the Upper Tagus. It rises in the heights of the Sierra de PelaThis river winds its way through rough terrain before emptying into the Tagus near the Hundido de Armallonesnot far from the Salinas de la Inesperada. Its course, practically untouched by man's hand, is a refuge for native flora and fauna.

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In the heart of the Alto Tajo, where the limestone rock sculpts a landscape of unique beauty, we find small oases of peace: the lagoons. These havens of tranquillity offer a refreshing contrast to the arid environment, inviting us to contemplate the beauty of the sky reflected in its crystalline waters and to listen to birdsong who find a home here.

Among the hidden gems of the Upper Tagus stands out the Taravilla Lagoona relic from the ice age surrounded by lush forests that transport us to a dream world. Its waters, mirrors of the skyinvite us to the meditation and to the connection with nature.

Another natural treasure is the Salobreja Lagoonwhose salt water have curative properties that have been venerated since time immemorial. A perfect place to relax y taking care of body and spirit.

Completing this triangle of serenity we find on Pozo del Sotoa man-made lagoon that, far from losing its charm, it has become a refuge for birds. On its banks, the life bustles and the song of lhe birds that gather here create a natural melody that fills us with peace.

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