
Tagus, the river that carries us

The Tagus RiverThe longest in Spain, it starts in the Sierra de Albarracínin the Montes Universales at an altitude of 1,593 metres. This river is not only a silent witness to history, but also an active protagonist in the life of the towns and cities it bathes. Join us on this journey through the course of the Upper Tagus riverFrom its source to the limits of the Natural Park, a route where nature is shown in its purest and most authentic state, and discover why the Tagus is much more than just a river.

Adventures on Foot

Tagus River

The river of more than 1000 kilometres


In Frías de Albarracín, between imposing mountains and lush forests, hides a natural treasure of great value: the source of the river Tajo. A magical place where the crystalline water springs forth, giving life to one of the most important rivers in the Iberian Peninsula.

While the source of the Tagus does not possess the spectacular nature of others, where the Arroyos de Fuente García and Navaseca streams meet, the place where this geographical landmark has traditionally been located exudes a singular charm. Undoubtedly, the jewel in the crown is the monument created by the sculptor José Gonzalvo in 1974.

This sculpture, symbolises the "Padre Tajo" and the three provinces that guard it: Teruel, Cuenca and Guadalajara. From here the waters recur 18 km until they reach the border with Castilla La Mancha.

The Tagus, in its initial stretch up to the Bridge of the 3 Provinces, is capricious. In times of drought, it hides underground or even stops flowing at some points.

FROM the Bridge of the 3 Provinces to the Martinete Bridge

Following the flow of the water, we arrive at the Three Provinces Bridgewhere Cuenca, Teruel and Guadalajara are located.. This initial stretch of the river is a hidden gem, marked by the uninhabited and majestic Sierra Molina. Here, the Tagus acts as a natural border between Guadalajara and CuencaThe landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful, such as the impressive area of Belvalle, which belongs to Beteta.


The first notable tributary that the Tagus receives in this stretch is the Rambla MalillaAlthough it is not signposted, there is a route, which we have uploaded on our website for those seeking adventure.

Continuing downstream, the Tagus receives the generous waters of the river Dry Sickle. Until its junction with the "Oceseca" (former name), the Tagus is known by the locals as the "Tajillo. There is a popular saying in these parts: "The Tagus carries the fame and the Hoz Seca the water"reflecting the importance of this tributary in the flow of the river.

waterfall of the ARRIBA mill

Following the course of the river, we come to the Molino de Arriba waterfall in the vicinity of Peralejos. This waterfall offers breathtaking views, with waters that seem to dance to the rhythm of nature. It is the perfect place for a photographic stop or even a refreshing swim before continuing our journey to the Martinete Bridgewhere this stretch of the river ends.


The Tagus Canyon not only captivates us with its dream landscapes and their crystal-clear watersbut also gives us the opportunity to admire it from the heights through its numerous viewpoints. Each of them offers us a unique perspective from cannonallowing us to appreciate the grandeur of nature in all its splendour.

These are just a few if you want to know all the viewpoints of the Alto Tajo Natural Park, consult this category.

canyon of the tajo

From the Martinete Bridge until San Pedro´s Bridgethe Tagus Canyon unfolds before us like a nature's masterpiece. A tour through deep ravines, vertiginous cliffs y whimsical rock formations that takes the breath away from those lucky enough to visit it.

As we advance through the canyon, we will reach the Poveda waterfall and the Taravilla Lagoontwo of the most visited sites in the park. In this section the Tagus River is making its way through vertical limestone walls. Water, crystalline and coldflows strongly sculpting the landscape in its wake. Small waterfalls, crystal clear water wells y pebble beaches complete the natural spectacle.

On our way, we can stop at the Peñalén Bridgewhich crosses the Tagus near where it meets the Cabrillas. A little further on, the Tobas Fountaina tuffaceous waterfall that flows directly into the river. And for the more adventurous, the Stairway offers a challenging climb up a steep trail to a viewpoint with breathtaking views of the canyon.


The Alto Tajoa natural paradise blessed by crystal clear rivers and refreshing waterfallsoffers its visitors the an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable swim at surroundings of incomparable beauty. Below, we present you the main bathing areas where you can escape the heat y connect with nature in its purest form:

In many of these areas, there are parking regulations in summer to avoid overcrowding. Reservations must be made on the website canondeltajo.com


After crossing the San Pedro´s Bridgewe go into the wildest and most inaccessible area of the Tagus. A territory where nature manifests itself in all its splendour. purity and splendour. Downstream, lurks a little-known natural treasure: the Campillo Waterfall. Access is not easy, but the reward is worth it. This waterfall pours its waters directly into the Tagus River, creating a unique visual spectacle.

The Hundido de Armallonesa geological wonder created by the collapse of the canyon, it is the jewel in the crown of this area. A spectacular scenery from vertical walls, caves and passages that we can explore through the Georuta 1starting from Ocentejo. A tour simple that rewarding adventurers with unique landscapes y an unforgettable experience.

In its final stretch, the river gives us the gift of The Eyebrowsrecreational area, perfect for enjoying the river and the Valtablado Bridge

Guided by Experts

For an even more enriching experience, explore nature with specialised guides. Discover the charms of the Alto Tajo from the hand of those who know these territories best.


We know that strolling in lush riverside forestsThe sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a play of light and shadow, is a real pleasure. Feel the coolness of the water beneath your feet as you wade through the Tagus or contemplate the imposing canyon wallsWe are silent witnesses of the force of nature with this proposal of trails.

The journey of the Tagus continuesBut our journey on this page is coming to an end. We hope it has inspired you to discover this natural treasure and to feel the call of "...".the river that carries us".

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