
A Walk through the Villages of the Upper Tagus

The sun rises over the steep limestone canyons, illuminating the turquoise waters of the Tagus River that meanders through ravines and ancient forests. The small villages, like sentinels of time, they stand, silent witnesses to a history that goes back centuries. Welcome to a journey through the most authentic Spain, where every stone tells a story and every walk promises surprises.

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Our villages

One village, a thousand stories to tell


The villages of the Upper Tagus are much more than just dots on the map. They are the beating heart of a region that has managed to preserve its essence over the centuries. Small, different and authenticthese peoples offer visitors a unique experience, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cities and in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature..

Here, time seems to have stood still. The cobblestone streets, the stone houses and the the use of wood in popular architecture They transport us to another era, while the warmth of its people reminds us that we are in the most welcoming present.



Czech is one of the jewels of the area, both for its beauty and its excellent location. This village, famous for its traditional architecture, welcomes us with the murmur of the Genitoris river, that crosses the town, splitting it in two. This gives us a beautiful picture with several bridges that connect one side to the other.

You can't miss the Church of San Juan Bautistaa superb example of Baroque architecture. And if you venture through its streets, you will discover corners that seem to be straight out of a fairy tale, such as the Plaza Mayor, where the village elders gather to share stories.


Perched atop a hill, Cobeta stands as a natural viewpoint offering breathtaking panoramic views. Its narrow, steep streets, a challenge for the walker, lead to the Cobeta CastleThe reward of reaching the top is incomparable.

Its reddish stone houses, typical of mountain architecture, are interspersed with cobbled streets that invite you to lose yourself in their charm. An unparalleled natural environment surrounds the village, making it an ideal destination for those looking to disconnect and enjoy nature in its purest form.

Discover one of its most treasured corners, the Ravine of the Arandilla RiverA beautiful ravine carved out of red sandstone, where you can disconnect from everything, where time seems to stand still.

arandilla red ravine


Chequilla is undoubtedly one of the most unique villages in the region. Its houses, built among enormous rock formations, seem to blend into the landscape in a perfect symbiosis between nature and architecture. Strolling through its streets is like entering a stone labyrinth, where every corner hides a surprise.

A very good way to enjoy this beautiful village and its marvellous surroundings is the route of the Red StonesA short tour that will take you through the most beautiful and outstanding corners of this beautiful place.


Beteta, located at the entrance to the Upper Tagus from Cuenca, stands as a hidden treasure, a charming village that enchants visitors with its natural beauty and welcoming atmosphere. Its cobbled streets and traditional houses, with stone façades and wooden balconies, evoke the essence of a medieval past. Surrounded by lush forests and steep crags, Beteta's natural environment offers a serene and wild beauty.


In addition to its stunning natural surroundings, the Alto Tajo hides small treasures in its towns and villages that will take your breath away. Magical corners where man and nature create their link, offering unique landscapes and unforgettable experiences.

Peñalenwith its impressive location on the top of a rocky outcrop, it offers breathtaking views. From its natural viewpoint, you can observe the meandering Tagus river through canyons and ravines that stretch as far as the eye can see.

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Peralejos de las Truchas is another natural treasure. Situated in a valley of an incipient Tagus and surrounded by mountains, this village is a paradise for nature lovers. Its green and fresh landscapes, together with the tranquillity of its streets, create an idyllic atmosphere.

Huertapelayoa village that rose from the ashes. Abandoned for decades, it came back to life thanks to the tenacity of its inhabitants, who refused to let their home die. Today, Huertapelayo is a haven of peace and tranquillity. Surrounded by an incomparable natural environment, Huertapelayo is a place of peace and tranquillity. ideal for hikers, birdwatchers and photographers.

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These are just a few examples of the natural treasures hidden in the Upper Tagus. Each village has its own charm, its own history and its own beauty. A journey through this region is a journey through time, an encounter with nature in its purest form and an experience that will captivate you forever.

Interpreted Routes



The Upper Tagus will not only captivate you with its natural beauty, but will also take you on a fascinating journey through time. Hidden among its mountains and valleys are villages with a rich history dating back centuries.

Get ready to discover some of the most historic villages in the Alto Tajo:


If after this article you are itching to visit our wonderful villages, here you will find a list with all of them and their most outstanding elements.

The Alto Tajo and its people are waiting for you, are you coming to meet us?

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